All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants

Losing teeth is unfortunate and could occur due to age, oral health complications, or even trauma. Regardless of the underlying cause of your missing teeth, having these gaps will not only affect the function of the teeth but can also impact the health of the remaining teeth. Additionally, your smile and self-esteem are impacted significantly by missing teeth. You must address a missing tooth immediately to restore your full mouth function.

If you are missing multiple teeth in one jaw, All-on-4 and All-on-6 may be the best option to restore the appearance and function of your teeth. All-on dental implant procedures are restorative procedures used to replace missing teeth. Using the advanced technology, your dentist will place four or six titanium implants inside the jaw bone to act as anchors for artificial teeth.

Your oral health is a sensitive aspect of your life, and you will not entrust it to any dentist. At Washington Dental, we will offer all the information and assessment you need to determine whether the All-on dental implants are the right option for you. We serve clients seeking dental restorative dental procedures in Los Angeles, Torrance, Lomita and Carson, CA.

An Overview of All-on-4

Tooth loss among adults is inevitable. Up to 35 million American adults have multiple missing teeth. Some factors that could contribute to the loss of your teeth include:

Gum Disease
Gum Disease
Dental Cavities
Tooth decay
Trauma or Physical Injury
Trauma from accidents
or contact sports

Whatever your reason for missing teeth, you should replace the gaps as soon as possible. Missing teeth cause bone deterioration and can cause receding of the remaining teeth. Also, gaps in your teeth could affect your smile and self-esteem.

Dental implants have become a standard method of teeth replacement. Depending on the number of missing teeth, you can be fitted with one or multiple implants. For individuals with multiple missing teeth on one jaw, the all-on-4 dental implant may be the best option for you. This dental implant procedure offers complete teeth replacement with four strategically positioned implants.

What are All-on-6 Dental Implants?

Like the all-on-4 implants, the all-on-6 implants are used to replace multiple missing teeth in the upper or lower jaws. This method uses six implants positioned at different areas of the jaw. Most people go for all-on-4 implants. However, the dentist recommends all six implants if more support is necessary. The six implants are fitted into the jaw bone and act as an anchor for the artificial teeth. All-on dental implants offer a natural look and function like natural teeth. Most people will not need a bone graft before the all-on-6 procedure.

All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implant Materials

When traditional implants or dentures are not an option for your condition, your dentist could recommend all-in-one dental implants to replace your missing teeth and restore their function. Different materials are used for the restoration, and you could base your choice on the following factors:

  • Your opposing teeth. If you have other dental restorations, you must ensure they go well with your dental implants in both outlook and function.
  • If you have teeth grinding problems, materials like acyclic will not work well for you. This is because this material is easily damaged.
  • Your age. Zirconia lasts longer than other materials. Therefore, if you are younger and have more years to live, all-on dental implants made of zirconia will serve you longer.
  • Your Oral health. Depending on the health of your bone, the dentist will recommend the right material for you.
  • Your budget. Materials used for all-on-4 dental implants vary in price. Acrylic implants are the cheapest, while zirconia makes the most expensive restorations. The amount you are willing to spend on the restoration will dictate the type of material you choose.

Common All-on dental implant materials include:


Acrylic implants are a traditional option for dental implants and are made of titanium. Your dentist can recommend this material if you do not grind your teeth and work on a low budget. The acrylic implants are an easy fix and are available in all sizes. However, these implants do not offer the aesthetic value other dental implant materials offer. If your all-on implants are made of this material, you must be extra careful with them since they are prone to damage.


Dental implants made of porcelain are designed like crowns and bridges. This makes them last longer than acrylic implants. A key benefit of porcelain implants is that they are custom-made to fit any style. However, these implants are difficult to repair in case of damage, and you may need new restorations.


The newest material for dental implants is zirconia. Compared to other dental restoration materials, zirconia is the strongest material that mimics the tooth color. Additionally, the material can be customized. However, implants made of this material are costly and require ultimate skill to fit. Whichever material you choose for your implants, you must ensure to have a skilled dentist by your side.

Gum Disease
Dental Cavities
Trauma or Physical Injury

All-on Dental Implant Procedure

Most people must learn what to expect when undergoing an all-on-4 or all-on-6 dental implant procedure. The following is a detailed description of the implant placement:

Consultation and Screening

During your first dental visits, the specialists will perform an oral evaluation. The specialists use CT scans to determine the health of your jaws and bones. A healthy jawbone should have enough room to screw in the dental implant. After the assessment, your doctor determines whether you are a candidate for all-on-4 implants or recommend other affordable treatment options.

Additional Procedures

If you do not have enough bone density to support the implants, your dentist could perform a bone graft before the implant procedure. Bone grafts are done using bone fragments from your body or a donor. You will need to wait several months for your bone to regenerate and be suitable for implant placement.


The preparation step is taken after you have discussed with the dentist how your teeth should look. The specialist will give some pre-operative instructions and medications on the treatment day. If you feel nervous about the procedure, the dentist will administer anesthesia, allowing you to relax and numb the surgical site.

The Procedure

The dental implant procedure involves preparing your mouth to receive the implant. The specialists will clean the infection from your teeth and deep clean inside the gums and jaws. A cut is then made on the gums to expose the bone where the implants are screwed. Often, the dentist will attach these implants to the parts of the bone that are less prone to damage or degeneration.

Two implants are placed on the front of the jaw while the rest go to the back. If the dentist recommends all-on-6 implants, one implant is added on the back of each side of the jaw. The surgical site is then cleaned and stitched up. After placement of the implants, you will have time to rest and allow your gums to heal.

Prosthetic Phase

At this procedure stage, the dentist fits your set of false teeth into the dental implants. Before fitting the custom-made artificial teeth, you will have temporary prosthetics fitted for practice.

Post-Operative Care

After the dental implants and prosthetics are fitted, you must undergo follow-up care which involves detailed instructions on how to care for the implants, including:

  • Proper oral hygiene. The right oral hygiene practices include regular brushing and flossing your teeth.
  • Diet counseling. What you put into your mouth after a dental procedure could dictate the longevity of your restorations. Before your mouth and gums heal completely, you should eat soft or liquid foods and avoid applying pressure on the surgical site.
  • Avoid smoking, excessive drinking, and contact sports before your implants heal.
  • Regular dental visits. Regular check-ins with your dentist allow time for detecting and treating any complications associated with the dental implant procedure.

Following your dentist’s instructions helps avoid compromising the ability of your implants to bond with the bone.

What is the Difference
Between All-on-4 and
All-on-6 Dental Implants?

The most significant difference between all-on-4 and all-on-6 dental implants is that the all-on-6 offers more support for artificial teeth. Your dentist will recommend this procedure when you have undergone a bone graft. The pressure from chewing is equally distributed with the extra implant on each jaw side.

Advantages of All-on-4
Dental Implants

The all-on-4 procedure is the most common form of all-on dental implants, and it offers the following benefits:

  • Single treatment. All-on-4 dental implants are a one-time The implants function like natural teeth, and there is no need for constant replacement.
  • Enhanced eating. Missing teeth can significantly impact your ability to chew food correctly. Dental implants function like natural teeth, which improves your eating habits.
  • Complete restoration of your smile. For individuals with severe tooth decay or gum disease, tooth loss can affect their self-esteem. The all-on-4 implant procedure restores the facial structure and smile.
  • Permanent restorations. The four dental implants used to anchor the artificial teeth are fused to the jawbone making the procedure a permanent option.

Advantages of All-on-6
Dental Implants

All-on-6 implants have two extra implants suitable for specific conditions. The benefits of the procedure include the following:

  • Extra stability. When the health of your jawbone has deteriorated significantly, the dentist will help ensure proper support by adding two implants to make an all-on-4 implant.
  • Improved jaw support. Fusion of the two additional implants stimulated the jawbone, providing enhanced protection against bone density loss.

Complications Associated with All-on Dental Implants

Replacement of missing teeth using dental implants are becoming popular. All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants are life-changing procedures for many people. Although the procedure is relatively safer, the risk of complications can worry any person considering the implants. Some common side effects of All-on Dental implants include:

Allergic Reactions to Anesthesia

The placement of dental implants is an invasive procedure. Therefore, your dental surgeon will administer anesthesia before the procedure. The type of procedure used will depend on what your dentist has and your unique needs. Mod anesthesia works best for patients who are not nervous about the procedure. The dentist will apply full anesthesia if you want to be asleep during the procedure or are low-tolerant to pain.

Allergy to anesthesia is a real problem for some individuals. Therefore, before undergoing the All-on dental procedure, you must disclose your medical history and any allergies to the dentist.

Bone Fractures

The titanium that supports the artificial implants is attached to the jaw bones. Therefore, the dental surgeon must drill the bone to attach the titanium and allow room for fusing. If your bones are already damaged or the specialist uses excessive force, you could suffer bone fractures. Bone fractures take a long time to heal, which could delay your All-on-4 or All-on-6 procedures.

The best way to avoid such complications is to ensure that you seek the services of an experienced dental implant surgeon.

Implant Failure

Most All-on dental implants are successful at the first attempt. However, there is a slight chance that the implant could cause failure. When the implant fails to fuse with the bone, then the implant is considered to have failed. Implant failure can be very frustrating. Fortunately, you can still undergo another procedure, and the possibility of success is equally high.

There is no way for the dentist to predict the likelihood of implant failure. However, your chances of an implant failure increase under the following circumstances:

  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Biting or chewing hard foods before the implant heals.
  • Smoking.


The risk of infection after placement of dental implants when you consult with a competent dentist. An infection could result from contamination during the surgical procedure or patient factors such as compromised immunity or failure to follow the aftercare instructions. The symptoms of infection after All-on implant placement include:

  • Wobbly or loose implants.
  • Swollen or red gums around the implant.
  • Bad breath and taste.
  • Pain around the implant.
  • Gum bleeding when brushing.
  • Fever.

The best way to prevent infection is to ensure that you follow up with all your dental appointments and maintain good oral hygiene as instructed by your dentist.

Cost of All-on Dental Implants

When you visit your dentist seeking a remedy for missing teeth, the dentist will give you different options to choose what you want. Many people know dental implants are the most effective way to replace missing teeth without having to deal with removable dentures. However, dental implants cost discourages many people from undergoing the procedure.

Whether you receive four or six implants varies depending on the number of missing teeth and the strength of your jawbones. In California, the placement of dental implants costs between $12,000 and $50,000. While this could seem like a lot of money for a single procedure, the benefits offered by the All-on dental implants are immeasurable. Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are permanent and will not require constant replacement.

Professional Fee

The first step is to consult a reputable dentist if you want All-on-4 dental implants. This type of implant replaces multiple teeth. Therefore, the procedure's outcome can significantly impact your oral health and outlook. Choosing the right dentist helps avoid complications and ensures a favorable outcome. The consultation fee varies depending on the chosen dentist. However, you must understand that paying a high consultation fee does not mean receiving better services.

Choosing a dentist with many years of experience and the right training is worth the price they might charge for their services. Often the consultation fee is paid on the first day of your visit. Diagnostics.

Level of Anesthesia

You can choose from three main types of anesthesia while undergoing a procedure for all-on implant placement. If you wish to stay awake through the procedure, your doctor will administer local anesthesia, which is the cheapest option. If you have high anxiety, the dentist could administer oral or IV sedation, which numbs your mouth and causes you to relax and sometimes fall asleep.

The third and most expensive option is general anesthesia which puts you completely asleep throughout the procedure. General anesthesia is more expensive than other options since a medical anesthesiologist must administer it.

Number and Type of Implants

Although the ideal number of implants is four, the dentist could recommend additional implants, making them All-on-6 implants. Your dentist could recommend an addition because of a severe infection or low bone density. All-0n-6 dental implants offer more support and stability for your replacement teeth. The more implants you need, the more you are likely to spend on the procedure.

Cosmetic and Functional Demand

The cost of your all-on-4 dental implants will vary depending on the material you choose for the restorations. Often, zirconia is more expensive since it is customized to your mouth shape and meets your cosmetic needs. Additionally, this material is used for the most durable bridges. If you are on a budget and cannot afford the zirconia implants, you can still replace your teeth with all-on-4 implants made of titanium bar.

Preliminary Procedures

Dental implants must be fitted on jaws with healthy bones. Since the implant is attached to the jawbone, a weak jawline could result in dental implant failure. With a weak jawbone, you may need additional procedures like a sinus lift or bone graft before dental implant placement. Since the procedures are critical, they add to the overall cost of your all-on implants.

Tips to Minimize the Cost of your All-on Dental Implants

Dental implants are already very expensive to fit. Anything you can do to have the best quality services at an affordable price is worth it. You can explore the following tips to cut the cost of your all-on-4 or all-on-6 dental implants:

Shop Around

Different dental specialists charge differently for their services. Mostly, the cost allocation for specialist services is based on the types of procedures they perform. Paying expensive service fees does not guarantee top-notch services. Some dentists may require you to undergo unnecessary procedures to gain more income. Therefore, it would be best to seek a second and third opinion before you settle for the procedure.

Request for detailed Treatment Plan

Before you start the dental implant procedure, you should ask the dentist to give you a detailed treatment plan. This will include all the procedures you must undergo according to their assessment. Together with the plan, they should give you a breakdown of the cost for each procedure. This helps you understand what you are spending. Additionally, you can financially plan for yourself.

Follow your Treatment Plan

When the dentist issues a treatment plan, and you begin the procedure, you will receive the timelines for each stage of the dental implant placement. Following up with the plan would save you from unforeseen costs to correct problems that arise when you miss your dental appointments.

Visit your Dentist Regular

Fitting your dental implants should not be your last visit to the dentist. After fitting all-on-4 dental implants, you must visit your dentist at least once every three months. During dental visits, your dentist ensures that the prosthesis and implants are stable. Additionally, the dentist can detect and treat infections to ensure no additional treatment is needed to keep your implants stable and functional.

Find a Skilled Dentist Near Me

Tooth loss can cause many problems in your everyday life, including difficulty when eating or speaking. In addition to the health function, the loss of teeth can affect your smile and confidence. There are a variety of dental procedures that ensure you do not deal with the negative impact of tooth loss, and dental implants are one of them.

Dental implants help avoid many inconveniences associated with traditional dentures and other dental restoration procedures for patients with multiple missing teeth. All-on-4 dental implants are permanent teeth that mimic the feel and look of natural teeth. The four dental implants placed on your jawbone act as an anchor for the artificial teeth attached to it. Sometimes, your dentist could recommend All-on-6 implants for a firmer and more effective restoration.

Your choice of a dental implant specialist can affect the outcome of your All-on dental implants. You can minimize All-on-4 or All-on-6 implant failure or complications by choosing a dentist who specializes in dental implants and has extensive experience in offering the procedure. At Washington Dental, we offer top-notch dental implant services to all our clients in Los Angeles, Torrance, Lomita and Carson, CA.

Tips to Minimize the Cost of your All-onDental Implants

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